At Charles La Trobe College we believe in the potential of every student at every age to experience learning success at school. Our primary program offers outstanding education opportunities to all our students. Within state of the art facilities, our experienced staff create a warm, friendly and orderly environment in which every child is nurtured and supported to succeed.

Wellbeing and Learning

Supporting student well-being is a priority of Charles La Trobe College staff. We provide a safe and orderly environment in which our students flourish academically, emotionally and socially. Our teachers develop authentic relationships with students by establishing clear expectations and building trust. We work within a Developmental Approach to Behaviour Support framework with a focus on teaching children to make positive choices.

Students in the Primary Years engage in a range of experiences within and beyond the classroom to support them to expand their social skills, to gain confidence and to make and keep friends. We also provide a wide range of learning opportunities across the curriculum to encourage students to develop a sense of curiosity about the world around them. We offer the full Victorian Curriculum, including the new capabilities:

  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Ethical
  • Intercultural
  • Personal and Social

Learning is personalised to match to the individual needs of all the students, in this way, each child is supported to achieve their best and be their best.  Our learning  programs are rich with diverse learning experiences including incursions, excursions, camps and specialist programs.

Our teaching teams plan together to ensure all students develop core skills and knowledge in literacy and numeracy.  Teaching and learning programs are developed by teachers identifying what students already know and, therefore, what they are ready to learn next. Our teachers use rigorous assessment processes to determine the next step in each student’s learning. Lessons are then planned to extend students’ experiences.

We celebrate our students’ achievements at fortnightly assemblies at which REAL Values awards are distributed.  Assemblies are hosted by our Primary Years Captains.

The Early Years – Prep & Year 1-2

In the Early Year’s program we build the foundations children require to be successful life-long learners. We provide our students with an individualised learning path with a particular focus on developing literacy and numeracy skills.  In these important years we focus upon building confidence in learning and support the development of personal and interpersonal skills.

Our main focus in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 is upon establishing strong skills in reading, writing and numeracy. Our students frequently use ICT to support their learning in these areas. Direct Instruction, language and learning support programs are available for those students who require additional assistance. Occupational Therapy students from La Trobe University lead our Perceptual Motor Program which is enables your younger students to develop their gross and fine motor skills.

Years 3-6

Within the Year 3 to 6 program we develop breadth and depth in student learning. We provide students with opportunities to fully participate in all curriculum areas whilst increasing engagement via the use of digital technologies. English, Mathematics and Science programs are a main focus for students across the upper primary school.  We support the students to broaden their knowledge base and apply independent thinking strategies. Students are able to participate in discussion about ideas and beliefs and express informed opinions. They learn to discriminate between the quality of information when forming opinions.

Our focus on Science supports our students to develop Scientific Thinking, ask rich questions and further develop their curiosity. Staff from Quantum Victoria and La Trobe University  help our students get a head start in the areas of Mathematics and Science as they are challenged to explore scientific concepts in the world around them.

In addition to classes in Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Auslan and Health/Physical Education, Year 3 to 6 students may elect to join the choir. The choir practices once a week and is involved in special performances.

If you are interested in making an enrolment enquiry please complete the online form or download, print, complete and return the form.

Online Enrolment Enquiry

Contact Details
La Trobe Campus Primary Principal – Ms Soula Bennett
235 Kingsbury Drive, Macleod West

Phone: (03) 9223 1400

Learn more La Trobe – Primary


Olympic Village Primary Principal – Ms Cleo Ndalianis
152 Southern Road, Heidelberg West

Phone: (03) 9457 3584

Learn more Olympic Village Primary Campus


Contact us to arrange a booking to tour the College.